Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

This is a theory from sociologist Abraham Maslow's which was introduced in 1954 and it shows that human behaviour reflects a range of needs, which is ranked in order from basic needs to higher aspirations. These include; Physiological, Safety, Social (love/belonging), Self-esteem and Self-actualisation. When one need is fulfilled, then they proceed to the next stage of needs and then it progresses on from there, so it helps to understand what motivates people. Advertisers uses this theory to combine with demographics and lifestyle categories and it shows an insight to why consumers are attracted to certain products and advertisements. This helps to find their target audience and its groups of people.

Survivors - Those who want security and like routine.
Social climbers - Those who have a strong materialistic drive and like status symbols.
Care givers - Those who believe in 'caring and sharing'.
Explorers - Those for whom personal growth and influencing social change are important.

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